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Reputation of the user jorge76  [+60 / -1]  

From user For topic Reason Estimation Date
Bono Which do you feel is most likley

Thankfullly you said it. I didn't want to get into a pissing match with Ali for the millionth time.

+ 651 weeks ago
metallex78 Loaded's recent setlist from Dublin - impressive!

Yep, Beautiful Disease is a great album!

+ 663 weeks ago
monkeychow Chickenfoot Thread

Thanks smile

+ 678 weeks ago
James Post your favourite fookin' GNR songs and tell us why!

Winds of Change

+ 683 weeks ago
James Weiland joined VR for money

great points...

+ 685 weeks ago
monkeychow Monkeychow's GNR Roadtrip Experience

hahah...good point...i knew it was in me somewhere wink

+ 710 weeks ago
supaplex Mockumentary or real serious documentary? UFO's over Hawaii

just what i was thinking

+ 716 weeks ago
Mikkamakka Removed or deleted


+ 725 weeks ago
RussTCB Whiskey In The Morning (more free downloads)

Thank you for the input!

+ 732 weeks ago
Axlin16 BP's top kill effort fails to plug Gulf oil leak

That Daily Show bit was GREAT

+ 735 weeks ago
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